What Does Testosterone Do to a Male Body?

That often spoken about, heard about but equally misunderstood hormone. The ‘manly’ hormone and the one that quite literally separates the men from the boys. It’s easy to think we understand the role of testosterone in so far as it is ‘what makes a man a man’, but is it really that simple? What does […]

Lifting Heavy for Women: How to Avoid an Injury

Most women are aware that, when they lift weights, the situation is vastly different from when men do the same. For a variety of reasons; different body size and stature, bone strength, and internal biology, there are some things that men need to watch out for when they do heavy lifting, and similarly, women must […]

Facts About Food Safety

Food safety is of utmost importance as there are many things that can go wrong. There are also a lot of incorrect facts floating around about food safety, so it is important to know the truth. Here are a few important things to be aware of. 1. Some People Have More Risk of Food-Borne Illness […]

8 Signs You Are Fitter Than Ever

In the fitness world, there are so many ‘doom and gloom’ articles that tell us how to know we are seriously out of shape or are not doing enough to ensure our own good level fitness and health. But conversely, there are few publications focusing on the signs that we’re on top of our game […]

Self-Lifting: 5 Tips on How to Lift Without Assistance

Self-lifting brings additional challenges. For a start, you don’t have any kind of ‘buddy system’ in place; nobody to spot you, spur you on or offer advice. And it makes the gym session that little bit less social as you’re effectively going solo. Furthermore, you run the risk of injury and nobody being there to […]

How to Make Juice – Tips For Everyone

Juicing is the process of extracting juice from fruits and vegetables. Juicing fruits and vegetables has many health benefits, such as providing vitamins and minerals to your diet, not to mention juicing produces tasty results. If you would like to become a juicer, then read the following article. To get the most out of your […]

What Does It Mean When You Have Sore Muscles?

Hitting the gym, pounding the weights and cardio, then getting home and feeling completely sore across all your muscle groups is a problem that any man has faced if he’s spent meaningful time in the gym. Some will tell you it’s a sign of strain and excess, and others will tell you it’s the reward […]

How A Caloric Surplus Can Help You Gain Muscle

If you’ve ever heard of the term ‘bulking’, it’s something that essentially means one of two things; either they are ‘dirty bulking’, whereby they eat anything and everything in order to build up a massive caloric surplus (and thereby give themselves an absolute ton of carbs to work with and quickly gain mass) or they […]

5 Examples of Female Fitness Guru’s to Spark Your Motivation

For women, fitness can often be impeded and mired by societal expectations. Male preconceptions about the female form, coupled with a lot of fitness influencers and the like being ‘male-centric’ means that an already arduous journey to fitness is made even harder. Thankfully, more and more women are rightfully staking their claims and becoming huge […]

How to Encourage Hair Regrowth

A lot has been said about looking after a healthy scalp and preventing hair loss, but there are also a lot of things we can do once hair has started to disappear in order to encourage regrowth. It must be remembered, first of all, that the only scientifically proven method of regrowing hair after the […]